More are in Google/Yelp if you would like to know more about this practice.
12 There is no price tag in Hae's multi angular approach and healing.
Not only she sees but also has the tools of access.
For the last 15 years, I have known and gone to Hae Jung for treatment
and I truly have never met a more intuitive or talented healer.
I initially went to Hae Jung as I was experiencing severe chest pain. It was so bad that Western doctors thought I was having a heart attack.
After a multitude of tests and being told it was all in my head, I was beginning to feel like I had lost my mind.
As a last resort, I decided to give acupuncture a try. I went to Hae Jung and she really listened to me and connected with me in a way none of my other health care providers
I remember that day, my first visit for chest pain.
She put the acupuncture needles in me and handed me a box of tissues and told me I would need them, I told her I wouldn't as I don't cry.
Within minutes
the tears were flowing. My chest pain was gone and I was feeling and dealing with emotions in a way I had never done so before.
To say it was an intense and eye opening experience would be an understatement.
After that I continued to see her over the years for a multitude of issues I was having, everything from anxiety, to fertility issues, to milk production issues.
She has always been there for me, not only providing healing for my body, but mental, emotional, and spiritual healing as well.
She truly is a teacher and deeply wants the people who see her to succeed and find
wellness both physically and mentally. When I was at a place were I was being very hard on myself, Hae Jung helped to change my entire mind set.
She helped me see that I needed to treat myself with more kindness and empathy and it is one of the most valuable lessons I have ever learned.
I am not overstating when I say that if Hae Jung had not entered my life, I worry where I would be right now, because I certainly feel my life would have taken a very different trajectory, one that would not have been nearly so bright.
She has had a direct and profound positive impact on my life.
She believed me when no one else would, she helped me conceive my first child and she totally changed the relationship I have with myself. When it comes to healing both body and mind, Hae Jung has a transcendent level of knowledge that is hard to put into words.
She has been there for me through some very dark times, always providing support, healing, empathy and kindness. There is no one else like her and I continue to recommend her to my own friends and family.
I very highly recommend her to anyone seeking more and personally feel I am
extremely fortunate to have found her.
Stefanie Z
11 It has been over a year since I first started my journey towards health through acupuncture with Hae.
Acupuncture is an overwhelmingly rewarding experience and process. It’s exceeded my expectations with the depth and breadth of life facets it touches—once you begin your exploration you will find so much beneath the surface of what you consider your health problems.
Hae is the perfect person to help you work through all the things holding you back and causing you pain and stress.
Specifically for me, I came to Hae with chronic back pain that had increased sharply over last winter. I was under extreme stress with my job and feeling generally run down and unfulfilled, somewhat lost in my path through my own life. The physical pain I was experiencing I can now see as the end result of my mental and emotional state that had been deteriorating for many months.
After my first session I knew that Hae was a very unique soul and different from any other health professional that I had ever met. In our first meeting she took an extensive review of each and every aspect of my health and well-being.
Do not expect a standard doctor visit that will skate over your issues and try to only heal your symptoms- Hae goes after the core of the problem and works from the inside out, instead of the other way around. She looks at you as a whole person instead of just the one aspect that you feel is the issue. I felt peace sharing with her.
She is a true healer and she expressed that healing is her mission in life.
It is inspiring and admiral to see someone so dedicated to her craft (because at times it feels like she is performing magic!) Her acupuncture studio is spacious, clean, and inviting with beautiful personal décor. You feel at peace and comfortable from the first visit.
It is truly only now that I see and feel the full effects of my sessions with Hae.
I stopped regular acupuncture at Hae’s suggestion last fall, with one follow up session late this past winter. The effect on my mental state is still improving and changing me, which is really incredible to me, but 100% genuine.
I have made so many positive changes in my life and since relieving myself of the intense stress and burdens I was carrying, I have been able to see the future I truly want sprawling out in front of me…it is a very moving experience.
I could go on and on about her skill, expertise, wit, and caring attitude. Eastern medicine is a very different approach to health that many are interested in but afraid to try (I have an aversion to needles and trust me I have never felt afraid or in pain from acupuncture needles!). If you are searching and have not found something that works for you, I encourage you to give acupuncture a try.
Just know that your time is well spent with this master of healing. With an open mind you will definitely find the peace and health you have been searching for.
Lauren C
10 Finding Hae is almost like discovering something so awesome, you want to keep it all to yourself.
I've had all kinds of treatments from both western and eastern doctors and I have experienced many forms of alternative healing techniques.
I'm originally from Santa Fe so I was exposed to all the new-age lah di dah stuff from early on.
My point is that I am no stranger to this kind of approach to medicine which is precisely why I can say with complete positivity that Hae is the real deal.
There are a lot of phonies out there, trust me.
Initially I was put off by her location because it seemed so far from Manhattan, but after going to her once I've been trekking back every Wednesday ever since.
It's become a pilgrimage of sorts.
Once you enter her beautiful space, you'll realize you're making the choice to get better and I guarantee you, you will.
Thanks Hae!
Maggie F
9 I have known Hae Jung 9 years and have been the beneficiary of her empathetic healing, patient bedside manner, and extraordinary humor many times.
When I was suffering with postpartum depression and insomnia, complicated by my desire to breastfeed, she was the only one whose treatment got me sleeping again.
She treated my anxiety and depression with her acupuncture and wonderful herbs.
She has also helped me with back pain and anxiety.
But Hae Jung would be the first to say that what you think is wrong with you probably isn't the whole story.
She takes her time to find out what's troubling you and she is willing to work in concert with other modalities you may be using - Western or Eastern.
She is motivated solely by a desire to help her patients heal. Whether you are skeptical of alternative medicine or already a true believer, your time with Hae Jung will be transformative.
She is the embodiment of an empathetic provider.
She is also a real mensch.
Amy M
8 Working much too hard, being constantly stressed out, not getting enough exercise... after 15+ years I'd really messed up my health.
Chronic migraine headaches and exhaustion were making it hard to live the life I wanted. Western doctors diagnosed several autoimmune conditions and prescribed thyroid medications.
I was told I'd simply need to take the meds for the rest of my life, and I should be fine. Only I didn't feel fine. I kept getting more exhausted, still got chronic headaches (thankfully not as painful), and felt all kinds of other new uncomfortable symptoms. Over the years, I also saw several acupuncturists (across the U.S. and in China) and tried other traditional healing methods. Most helped, but nothing had a strong lasting effect.
I wasn't getting healthy.
At best, I was just managing to get by. On bad days, I was in chronic pain, unable to function.
Finally I got up the energy to find a new acupuncturist and went to see Hae Jung.
I didn't have much hope, I just wanted a boost to try and make it easier to feel a bit better some of the time.
I've now been going to see Hae Jung for about a year. At the very beginning, she told me she knew exactly what was going on. It would take a long time, but she could cure me -- cure.
I was skeptical of her promises, after years of talk and promises that never came true.
I was going to only believe actual results. Well, I've since seen such results.
I no longer take any thyroid medications. I feel better than I have in years. I haven't had a migraine or severe headache in months. I do expect be fully cured, to have a balanced, functioning hormonal and immune system, to live strong and healthy.
I really don't know what makes Hae Jung different than other acupuncturists, but her training, her lineage, her intuition, and her experience have somehow merged into a serious force for healing.
She approached my conditions in a way that has helped me more than, well honestly, more than everyone else I've seen combined.
I truly don't know what would have become of my life if I hadn't met her.
Jen S
7 When I first started seeing Hae Jung I suffered from many illnesses, ranging from depression, sleep problems, migraine and allergies. For as long as I can remember anxiety and suicidal thoughts have been a part of my daily life.
I thought it would be something that's always there. Over the years I had been spending both time and money going to doctors, but to no avail. Most of the times it only made me feel worse, and the side effects were horrible. I began to believe that my painful anxiety would be something I had to live with. Though deep down I didn't want to believe that.
When I started seeing Hae Jung I didn't have any expectations, but I also trusted her completely from day one.
I just knew that she had a gift of helping and healing people.
Her expertise has helped me through every step and she has always been supportive, compassionate and very intuitive. After only two weeks of taking the herbs I saw an incredible difference. It was like a veil had been lifted.
No more suicidal or racing thoughts, no daily anxiety. I also slept much better. In addition, there was no side effects to taking the herbs. To this day, the symptoms have not returned.
I cannot tell you what a relief to not have to deal with that sickness anymore.
A big part of my life had been given back to me.
Even if you suffer from something like this doesn't mean that you have to.
Also the medication you get from many doctors only treat the symptoms and not the underlying cause. Plus the side effects can make you sick.
I am deeply grateful to Hae Jung and I hope that maybe someone else is willing to try acupuncture and herbs due to my testimony.
It has truly changed my life!
Caroline V
6 If you're reading this testimonial, then I assume that you're wondering whether or not to have Hae Jung work on your health issues.
If you want my short answer it would be - absolutely! Run to her office! Don't wait! Don't walk! Don't give the disease any more of your energy.
If you want to understand why I feel this way, read on.
I have been using acupuncture as my primary healthcare method since 1986 when I first experienced a very stubborn bout of insomnia in college. Since then, I've gone to an acupuncturist for everything from bronchitis and back pain, stress and depression, fear and fibroids. I've always had pretty god results. But I didn't realize that I could have permanent cures until I met Hae Jung.
To give you a sense for what it is like to get treatments from Hae Jung, I thought, at first, that I would describe the very long list of tricky health issues that Hae Jung has resolved for me.
But a list is just that. A list. And many others here have listed their symptoms and how they've been resolved, so I won't really delve into mine here. I thought that it might be more useful, instead, to describe what it is like to be worked on by Hae Jung since she is so utterly masterful and unique in her practice.
I hope you find my remarks helpful.
You would be forgiven, if after your first meeting, you assumed that Hae Jung was an ordinary acupuncturist who makes standard herbal formulas.
After all there isn't anything about her office, her treatment room or her demeanor that would suggest otherwise.
Here you see the wall of herbs, over there next to the window is the herbal cooker in the air you smell the earthy scent of herbs.The bookshelves and desks look like they would fit into any normal office.
Rugs on the floor, wind chimes in the windows and a small desktop water fountain are all items you'd find in most healers' offices.
So it's understandable that you'd peg her as just another, everyday, ordinary acupuncturist.
Unfortunately, you'd be dead wrong.
Here's why. When you talk to Hae Jung you may initially describe a cluster of problems - maybe insomnia or persistent anxiety, even nightmares, asthma, or moodiness.
Perhaps you tell her that you're bothered by pain or indigestion or a racing heart.
As you talk you may notice that Hae Jung isn't really looking at you, but she seems to be looking through you or even behind you.
It may even appear that she's not paying close attention to what you're saying.
But then she interrupts you to ask an odd question or two.
What's happening is that Hae Jung has already unleashed a can of diagnostic whup-ass on the problem. It's just that you and the cluster of problems don't know it yet.
She knew it the moment you walked in the door.
Everything you tell her simply fills out the picture with more detail.
This is one key skill that sets.
Hae Jung apart from most other acupuncturists, she can see you, and what ails you, in an instant and as an entirety.
As a whole system. And because she has a clear view into the "iceberg", as she calls it, or the puzzle, she is able to strategically melt away ice, fit your broken parts back together and heal the core injury.
When you present her with a handful of random leaves or symptoms, she is able to see the entire tree and the root system that the leaves grew out of. In an instant she has a bead on the problem.
I found Hae Jung completely by accident in the summer of 2010 after I had run out of a powdered herbal formula that I had obtained from a clinic in California.
Even after years of experience with acupuncture, I was not prepared for the insightful, but often off-handed questions Hae Jung asked me, nor was I prepared for her ability to pinpoint major areas of distress from old injuries I had forgotten about.
But what completely blew me away was her method of needlework which demonstrated another aspect that sets her apart - her willingness to wrestle - almost physically & directly - with the health problem.
Most acupuncturists will set needles into meridian points and then leave you to rest on the table as is.
That's not how Hae Jung works. Initially, for me, she needled a few points and then stood by watching for a change. She checked my skin temperature and asked very specific questions.
A few minutes later she added additional needles. After a few more questions, she added yet another set of needles and waited.
When suddenly, without warning, I burst out in enormous, full body sobs, I knew that she had uncorked the problem she was looking for. She follows the trail of a problem, traps it and pounces.
There's a reason why she is called a Tiger.
Never, in all my years of experience with acupuncture had I known that needlework (or herbs) could directly tap emotions or alter the expression of symptoms.
Nor did I realize that all the previous acupuncturists had missed what Hae Jung saw as a glaring and obvious problem.
Here, clearly is a rare, unique, master healer who can see a core problem when it's camouflaged or buried under other problems. Very rare, Very effective.
If you choose to bring your health issues to Hae Jung, whether they seem big or small, chronic or acute, mysterious or mundane, understand this:
- The needles don't hurt, in fact they feel so gentle it's hard to believe that they will work at all. - Hae Jung will not simply make you feel better with a few needles and then send you on your merry way with a bag of herbs.
She will relentlessly seek out the core problem until she can root it out. She is committed and stubborn and very funny. - the herbal formulas are powerful and gentle with long-lasting effects across a wide range of physical, emotional even spiritual symptoms.
They'll fix a lot of problems you didn't know you had because, again, they work from the root outward. - Hae Jung may not be able to explain exactly what she's doing or how the treatment works.
My take is that it's less important to understand the mechanics of the medicine but more important to accept that you will get better. You must be ready and willing to get well.
Hae Jung will bring an arsenal to the table, you'll need to bring readiness to heal - The treatments may re-expose old hurts or injuries you have forgotten about,
but they can be dealt with.
I went to Hae Jung with low energy, disrupted sleep and mood swings.
4 months later a minimum of 10 issues have been resolved in addition to these items. Many things have been fixed or cured that I assumed were permanent aspects of my health.
If you've read this far, then my last comment is this - when in doubt say YES!
Best of luck to you.
Ajay R
5 It’s many years since I last had an appointment with Hae Jung but I will never forget how skilled and caring she is. I first went to see her when I was recovering from kidney cancer. As well as helping me to heal physically,
Hae Jung also taught me a lot about health in general. Her enthusiasm for her work, her sense of fun and her warmth make acupuncture sessions with her a fantastic experience. I am now back in my native London and I haven’t managed to find a UK acupuncturist who is anywhere near as great as Hae Jung.
Highly recommended.
Precious W
4 I've been a patient of Hae Jung's for years originally seeing her for migraines and throughout the years for various aches and pains. Most recently,
Hae Jung assisted in my pregnancy treating me for nausea and later assisting in the induction of my labor.
Throughout the years, she has been a constant in my life because the treatment actually works. Acupuncture and herbs cured my pain where western medicine failed me.
I have recommended her to several friends and family and all have experienced impressive results after going for treatment. Not only is Hae Jung skilled in her field she also treats her patients with extreme thoughtfulness and care.
Thank you Hae Jung!
Meredith W
3 The experience of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine with Hae transformed me into a different person. It has awakened my true spirit and made me more intuitive. My daily eating and drinking habits changed,
I had lost the desire for junk food and my immune system also became a lot stronger than before. I no longer need to take that many Tylenol and prescribed medicine from pharmacy during certain seasons of the year.
Hae not only heals physical ailments but also heals on a spiritual level, she taps into your deep emotion, sees it, and melts it.
The bottom line is I don't regret experiencing acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. I only question myself
“Why didn't I try these healing methods during my teenage years?”
Owen L
2 I went to Hae Jung seeking relief from a chronic pain in my neck and shoulders.
After my first acupuncture treatment with her I was completely free of pain, felt energized and I left the session with an open and positive outlook. Since then I have returned regularly for treatments with Hae Jung , and each time it is a centering and edifying experience.
She explains the science of Chinese medicine in layman's terms and demonstrates positively through her work, the benefits of a holistic approach to one's health. She is a true professional and an intuitive healer who has helped me, as an artist to unlock creative blocks and to foster a balanced approach to my mental and physical well being.
Tae Y
1 I have been working with Hae Jung in both herbal and acupuncture approach to total health and well-being.
This is NOT a 'new age' method to health but an ancient approach to holistic wellness.
Hae Jung's practice has been helpful to me in the areas of stress management, weight control, digestive issues, lack of energy, and lower back/skin problems.
Some of these were more chronic than others but I have made progress on all of them with Hae Jung.
I have recommended Hae Jung to both family and friends. I rarely provide testimony but I am grateful to Hae Jung for her practice and personal treatments.
Hae Jung is an artist with holistic medicine and she is genuine.
Her healing is worth a million bucks!
Patrick F